Sunday, February 26, 2012


My late grandpa had this saying that typified his life: "FAMILY IS EVERYTHING".

I find this statement to be true...and it is actually one of my favorites. As I am on my own now, partying away at BYU, I have come to the realization of just how much family means to me. Before, I had a huge appreciation for those I call my family, but that appreciation has multiplied ten-fold as I am no longer within shouting distance of some family members. I love that they are the ones who truly know me, because I am partly them. We share the same blood, and grew up together. And the best part is that we are stuck with each other for eternity :)

Last weekend was presidents day weekend, thus I had a 4 day weekend (YES! 4!...I have no classes on fridays :) ). SO! I took a bus down to Sandy where my brother and his wife live. Then we journeyed up to Logan canyon where my family co-owns a cabin with some other relatives. My parents got there shortly after we arrived, and thus began the family weekend. It wasn't quite a family gathering, as we were missing 10 people, but we enjoyed each other's company nonetheless. We spent time eating, playing games, laughing, shopping, watching basketball, talking, and enjoying the comforts of the cabin. Monday, we spent almost the entire day cross country skiing. It was such a good get away from the college life. And it was especially nice to see my parents...they are the best! It is times like that where I remember why my family is my very favorite.

My bishop said something to the ward, which I absolutely love:

FAMILY: Forget About Me, I Love You!

And I do! I love my family. They are my everything!

(this may explain why... ^^)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lumos: the beginning

To cast light on something with magic, one uses the spell of Lumos, creating a flashlight-like effect through the wand. 

I have found that life is the same -- minus the magic...and wand. Light can come in so many different ways in our lives. Ideas become illuminated by choices we make and situations we are placed in. And just as good old Dumbledore states, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light". Optimism is vital in this life. 

I'm wholeheartedly a Harry Potter nerd...and proud of it. The series was my childhood. I have read the books countless times- and often, that includes a week of finishing the entire 7 book series. I grew up with the characters, and I absolutely connect with each of them in my own way. not here just to talk about how much I love harry potter. I'm more here because I do in fact have my own life. And not just that...I'm wanting to share it with cyberspace. So be ready for things that happen in my life...and lots of Harry potter references :) 

and to display my excitement of harry potter: